Thursday, July 28, 2011

Last night I dreamt of you

Last night I dreamt of you,
And the stars were only too happy,
To see me smile for no reason,
The wind flew by,
In the rainy season,
I saw I had wings,
But then it was just you,
Who gave me all the strength,
Brushing away the blues,
Carved your name on the sands,
That was still wet and fresh,
From the waves that kissed it gently,
On its naked untouched flesh,
Could feel my heart beat thumping,
When you whispered in my ear,
That you’ll love me more each day,
And held me oh so near,
I felt a thousand butterflies,
All over they would tickle,
A drop hit my face again,
On my cheek it did then trickle,
The flowers were in full bloom,
I saw countless hues,
The world looked so perfect when,
Last night I dreamt of you.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Filling a void

We meet so many people every day. Family, colleagues, friends, friends of friends, relatives, acquaintances etc. etc. But I was just wondering why do we have so many people in our lives when eventually we all come and go alone. I know it is a bloody deep thought for someone my age(25 looks 22...;)....)). At some point in our lives don't we all wonder why did I meet this person or why don't I know this person any more.

I am of course not God that I would have an answer to why we know people or why we don't but I believe all of us live with voids in our life which get filled by people whom we meet. I mean of course apart from a few 'unchangeable' factors like we don't choose our family or relatives(I wish we could), but we do choose the other set of people whom we interact with.

There's a reason why no one is perfect because then we would not need any one to point our flaws and help us become better but also if we were to be self-sufficient at all times, who the hell would we get drunk and party with? That's the effect people have on our lives, either to teach or learn one day at a time.

We obviously get closer to people who are like-minded but they are also the ones we believe will fill the gap in our system without having any selfish or conniving reasons whatsoever. We build our own comfort zones and surround ourselves with people who make us feel better about ourselves without any prejudices.

Similarly, I believe that no one can act as a replacement for any one and that all people have their own special place in our lives but when someone moves out of your life, they take away that part of your being and leave behind a void that someone else comes along and helps fill.

We are all no doubt slaves of destiny and most things in life come with an expiry date but the only permanence I have found lies in 'hope' that fills all voids and like a phoenix rises again each time we think it has failed us.

Time for some much needed sleep now.

Live to love, love to live!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

I don't blame men

It is after a long time today that I revived my blog and publishing my first post on a new page. The inspiration for this post, apart from a few random conversations and a few movies, stems from the realization that women themselves can’t understand each other, so for men to do the same is like actually trying to put the toothpaste back in to the tube(you get the drift).

OK, so what I’m trying to say here is that apart from our common love for shopping & bitching(which we can do at any given time of the day), there is little that any woman would want to have in common with another.  Here are a few pointers on what sets us apart:

1.       We never have enough clothes: So this is a universal fact that we never have enough clothes even when our cupboards are bursting and can provide enough cloth to cover an entire country, but no, we can never have enough of them. The reason behind this fact is that we never want to be seen in the same clothes at any party with the same group, same as anyone else at the same place, same at any important meeting with the same client, same as the ones we were tagged in on FACEBOOK or same as a wannabe you know(because you obviously don’t want to be tagged as one too!!).  Hence, we can never decide what to wear(a crisis bigger than the Fukushima nuclear plant on the verge of explosion).

2.       We are always judging others: No matter who you are or how close you are to us, we are always judging you by what you say, what you wear, how you do things, where you work, how much you earn etc., you are always under our scrutinizing eyes.

3.       We are more often than not, always confused: Be it clothes, shoes, food, men, we are always confused how to treat each one. We can never decide what to eat(will it go straight to the hip or the face), whom to date(rich & crass or smart & not-so-rich). I mean we are not gold-diggers per se and are all up for equal rights and all that jazz but if you just pass the buck and expect us to pay for ourselves all the time, the chances of you & I working out are as slim as the Olsen twins.

4.       Our conversations are limited to three things: Shopping, Weight-loss & Men.  All BFFs or otherwise can forever go on how we got a steal on the latest brands at the last sale(that are man’s gift to womankind) or how much we have put on or shed in the past few months and how guys never know how we want to be treated. I mean if you tell a girl ‘you look pretty’, she’d respond with a ‘Thank you’, but if you tell her ‘Have you lost some weight’, you’ll be her new BFF. Ha Ha.

5.       We hardly ever see anyone who’s better than us: Similar to point no. 2, if we are always judging you is because we want to see if you can match our standards( no matter how superfluous), we might compliment our friends but inside we are just thinking how this dress would look so much better on me! LOL! Or how can that guy possibly date her, he should have gotten a girl like me(or me!).

6.       We hide more than we show: Do not take this sentence literally because there are tons of females out there who would beg to disagree. I mean there’s so much going on inside us all the time(sneering at other females, hot guys, food, our boyfriends, marriage plans, in-laws, friends, affairs, secrets etc. etc.) that it would take a whole library if we sat down to pour thoughts, because unlike men who can only think about(Money, food & sex), we do have a brain but we are already using it for so many other things.

7.       We are not dumb, we just want you to feel smart. I guess the point itself is self-explanatory of what I’m trying to convey.

8.       We are not greedy, but needy: No we are not begging, but we want all the things in the world(tangible or intangible) and I think if we are the ones God decided should bring life and tolerate enormous amounts of pain men can only dream of bearing, then we damn well deserve all the things in the world for what we are and what we do.

Got it dude!!